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 This exploit is by far the most accessible for 10.3, as it uses the rather common (has an eShop version) game, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D, for the exploit. You do need to get homebrew once before to use it, unless you have a powersaves dongle or some other hardware that let's you access cartridge saves. It's also easy to install.















1. Either open the game while holding A+B+X+Y and delete all data, or use SVDT (located here) to delete the data. I reccomend using SVDT, as it will backup your data if you get access to another exploit later.

2. Load the OOThax installer from the homebrew menu.

3. Follow the on-screen instructions, or just press a


 Now, the exploit is installed into the game. Boot the game up and you will notice a file called hax. Boot it up and do pretty much anything (open menus, talk to stuff) to boot into homebrew.


A copy of OOT3D

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